We have our Open Training session day on Saturday June 3rd across all age groups for boys and girls which players can register for by emailing chairman@afcstoneham.co.uk
In addition to this event we have specific recruitment posters for the new season on social media for:
U7-U9 Girls and Wildcats Contact: Vicky 07970 928521 vicky84wicket@googlemail.com
U10 Boys Panthers Contact: Brian 07786 245225
U11 Boys - Mid Solent League Sats Contact: Matt 07428 403102
U11 Girls - Contact: Richard 07941 611734
U12 Girls - Contact: Josh 07810 503301
U13 Boys - Contact: Chris 07732 083064
U13 Boys - Mid Solent League Sats Contact: Phil 07867 790892
U14 Boys - Contact: Kevin 07881 504700
U15 Boys - Contact: Jason 07901 763017
U18 Boys - Contact: chairman@afcstoneham.co.uk or 07841696579 (Trials 25/5, June 1,3 and 8)